Become Smart Moslem and Agent of Islam

When someone asked me, "What is your aim?", I Said "Become smart moslem and agent of Islam to change the world to be better". Just become a moslem is not enough, you must be smart and contribute to Islam because "إن اكرمكم عند الله اتقاكم" the word of At-Taqwa is not only about you prayed 5 times a day or fasting ramadhan, but when you accepted Islam as your deen you have to Jehad for Islam, The word of Jehad is not only about war, it has wide meaning, war is only one of meaning that is included inside. Jehad means promote Islam when safety condition and defend Islam when thereatned. So we should prepare our self to contribute to Islam, what will we do for Islam or what can we do for Islam. Rasulullah and his companion when they spread Islam they risked their life for Islam. But Right Now, we can see arround us, never mind to risk his life for Islam, to say that I'm proud to be a moslem they are ashamad, they are ashamed to follow the sunnah of our prophet, we see our youths when the young women's were asked to wear shar'i dress they said "it's not modis". The young man's were ashamed to keep their beard, they were ashamed to wear isbal pants, they were ashamed to enter Islam overall. this is the identity crissis that is faced by the youth moslem, because they are not proud with what that they follow.

If we see a story of companion of the prophet Muhammad SAW, namely Abu Dzar Al-Ghifari, when the first time he accepted Islam as his religion, he directly asked to Rasulullah, "O Rasulullah, according you what should i do after i accepted Islam?", Rasulullah said, "Back to your clan untill any instruction from me". Yet Abu Dzar said to Rasullah, "By the one in whose hands is my soul, i will never back to my clan before i shout about Islam inside masjid”.

And then Abu Dzar went to Al-Masjid Al-Haram and shouted loudly, "I bear witness that there's no god but ALLAH, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Mesengger of ALLAH". this was the first shout about Islam that against hubris of the people of Quraisy. the shout was shouted by a settled foreigner which didn't have protector, family and defender in Mecca. Finally, the mushrikeen surrounded and beated him to the ground. it was done almost everyday untill he heard that Islam was already preached openly.

From the story above we can see how big the faith of Abu Dzar to Islam, even if he just accepted Islam yet he was not afraid, moreover be ashamed to say that he had accepted Islam as his religion. it describe how proud Abu Dzar became a moslem and he should contribute to Islam and did not to stand idly. Because a moslem must have mental of fighter, to fight haq and prevent from munkar things. May be our Iman will never same with the companion of prophet Muhammad SAW, but our deeds can compete with the companion deeds, therefore we can follow the ways of the companion of prophet Muhammad SAW in order that we can be met in heaven of ALLAH, may ALLAH ease us for it.
و الله أعلم بالصواب

Author : Anas Tinton Saputra 
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